Emily Davidson

baroque cello

"Emily Davidson has everything a musician needs to make it as a world-class soloist—the drive, talent, and the charisma that musicians need to attract a following." —The Huffington Post


How to Play Cello (Full Course) - Online Cello School for Beginners


How to Play Cello (Full Course) - Online Cello School for Beginners


Emily Davidson, professional cellist and cello teacher for over 15 years, is now offering an online/virtual beginner cello course geared for adult students. The course is also suitable for teens.

This course covers everything you need to know to start playing the cello at nearly half the cost of private lessons. There are 5 videos in total, available for purchase individually at $25 each or the full course of all 5 videos for just $100—save $25, like getting a video for free! You do not need to read music to take this course, though you will learn some basic note-reading. If you already read music, great!

Every video includes a PDF with written materials to refer to in addition to the video lesson. Upon purchase, you will receive a .zip file containing PDF documents for each lesson. The PDFs include a link to watch the video lesson. Use the PDF digitally on your computer to access the links, and print it to follow along with the lessons or to refer to while practicing.

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- Buying or renting a cello (with specific recommendations)
- Instrument Care & Maintenance
- Supplies & Accessories (with specific recommendations)
- How to tune the Cello (using either the fine tuners or the pegs)
- Full recommended product list with links

Lesson 1
- Parts of the cello (with visual guide)
- Posture & sitting with the cello
- Open string names and placement on the musical staff
- Pizzicato/plucking technique

Lesson 2
- Left Hand Technique
- D Major scale pizzicato/plucking
- Note reading on the staff

Lesson 3
- The bow hold
- The bow directions
- Bowing the open strings
- D Major scale with bow

Lesson 4
- Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star pizzicato/plucking
- Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star with bow
- Twinkle Duet with Emily
- Directory of cello teachers for online private lessons

To book Emily for a live performance or lecture, visit her contact page.